Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring!

As I write this, there are only a couple hours or so left until the cosmic event spring equinox. All around the world at this time there are 12 hours between sunrise and sunset. For us in the Northern hemisphere from now on the days will become longer and nights shorter. Welcome spring!

Another nice day today in Arlington and again I worked for quite some time in the garden:

  • seeded spinach, dill and cilantro
  • planted eight broccoli, four kohlrabi and four asparagus seedlings (we all like broccoli, kohlrabi is an experiment and asparagus harvest might happen next spring, but most likely in two years)
  • planted six forget-me-not plants in the side yard
  • in between prepped the soil, i.e. dug in some compost in the veggie patch
  • mulched a little bit more

  • planted a bulb of this calla lily on a big terra cotta container. The bulb is kind of weird looking, I presumed this is the top...

  • and finally, I seeded some yellow bell pepper as well as yellow and orange tomatoes in two smaller terra cotta pots. These pots will stay inside. The tomato seeds I saved last year from store-bought tomatoes. Later I read that saving tomato seeds involves fermenting process. Oh well, if they do not come up, no big loss.

